Three Bandidos stipple detail

I love to work in this stipple style, and haven't done so in many years. It was way back in the mid eighties when I was in school that I first discovered this style and tried it for myself, discovering that I loved it. The very act of creating these stipple patterns was calming and I would often fill pages with nothing but dots.

Back then I used Rotring Rapidiograph and Isograph pens. I regret that I didn't keep them all. These days I use Faber Castell PITT pens, S and XS.


Genius. I love stippling.

Still got my Rapidographs. I snag them at art store sales whenever I can. A few years back, the engineering firm I worked for was going to _throw away_ its pen nibs and ultrasonic bath cleaner. But I saved them, and still occasionally use 'em.
Unknown said…
Hi ScottE, You had a lucky break catching those pens before they were thrown away. I know that I still have a few of them in a box in storage, but they're the same ones I used 23 years ago and probably not in great shape. I wish I had a nice shiny new batch of them, but these days they're pricey.

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